Friday, 23 March 2018

Drafting and planning: influences for my poster

Now that my poster was a good idea i thought that i would be a good idea to go through where i got some of the ideas that appeared on my poster.
As you can see for my poster i got a lot of inspiration from the poster for the movie 'hostiles'. As you can probably see the main piece of inspiration i got from the poster was the use of the split down the middle of the poster and creating two different colour themes on each side and then using the heads of the main characters on the poster as the main piece of information. I felt that this type of design would be perfect for my film idea as my film is all about two different sides the good and the bad and both being connected and so for the protagonist side it was coloured in a brighter and a more stand out colour to represent the good while the antagonist side was coloured in black and white to represent the shadows and the mystery that is going on that side. 

As you can see here i also got inspiration from the hostiles poster in the title. Just at the top of the name of the film there is a little lead in line that states "we are all. . . hostiles" all though the we are all part is not apart of the title is something that just leads into the title as a type of tagline.  So as you can see below i really liked this idea of having a sentence just before the title so i added my own which stated "what lies... beneath the shadows". I felt that by adding the "what lies" part it added more of a suspense to the poster and a added layer of depth and just rounded of the trailer really nicely.

From here i of course added in the basic conventions of a poster in the form of the credits, cast line, release date and a tagline. 
Overall i am very happy with the outcome of my poster and i am very much happy with the inspiration i got for it as it led me to play around with different aspects in the design and allow me to create something truly special and unique that perfectly reflects my the story of my film.

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