Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Research into potential target audience: Ancillary products: Feedback on poster designs

As i have now created my movie poster i thought that it would be a good idea to see what the reaction  of the target audience so that i could see where i was going right with my poster and also so that i could see where i could improve my poster.  As i wanted to get a more genuine target audience reaction i used the social media site snapchat and asked those on there for their opinion. Before the survey was given i told the people taking the survey the basic plot so that they be able to construct the basic narrative and so see if poster links to narrative of the overall narrative.  The feedback was as followed:


This feedback from the audience was very much what i hoped for. The feedback showed me that i was in fact on the right tracks and showed me that my design was good as some feedback showed me that i had been able to match my poster to the narrative: "the left is obviously the protagonist and the right the antagonist.. gives an insight into the characters".  Another aspect that i was happy with was that the audience seemed to like the overall design and the split down the middle showing two different filters for each half of the poster and then having two different text colours which changed depending on the side of the poster they were on.

I was also very happy with the improvements that i was given as some of the improvements i was also aware i needed to do so i was glad it was picked up by others and also improvements that i was not aware of which would help me improve overall and make the best possible poster:

  • Work on the faces to make them fit in with the background a bit better.
  • Move ben wildsmith more to the centre of the page. 
  • Make the 'good' side more colourful such as the grass to help it stand out.

So overall i am very happy with the posters feedback as the audience could clearly get the sense of the narrative and understood the reasoning for the design. Furthermore from here i now know that it is imperative that i go back and try and smooth over the faces a bit better so that they fit in a little bit more and so that the poster is more smooth. 

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