Monday, 5 March 2018

Research into similar products: Silence of the lambs poster

In this blog post i will be taking a look into the poster for the movie silence of the lambs.

One thing that immediately stuck out to me in this poster was the posters main image. The image used is clearly an extreme close up. This is really effective because its simple design and camera shot can make the audience feel more uncomfortable and make the audience feel creeped out because it is not a natural looking poster.  This type of shot also allows the audience to feel up close and personal to the subject of the poster.

Another thing that i really liked about the image was how the image seemed to be tinted a blue colour, this seems to be really effective and look really cool. It gives off the feeling of decay and death but also seems to make the subject of the poster seem lifeless adding the overall effect and intrigue of the poster.  This also adds a little bit of an edgy feel to the poster. What i like about this is the colour contrast used in the eyes of the poster. The eyes seem to give one of the two colours in the poster. The colour grabs the attention of the audience and draws them into the poster. There is also the effect of direct mode of address where the subject is looking straight into the lens and so effectively are looking into the audiences eyes creating more of connection  between the subject of the poster and the audience while also giving a more creepy look to the poster.

The poster also shows the use of a moth being covered over the mouth of the subject of the trailer, this may suggest that there is a link between the animal and the moth and maybe that the women voice is being silenced. After looking into it the moth i found out that the moth is actually called a "dead heads moth", after learning this it became clear that there was a link and a reason for using the moth as it suggests that there is death in the movie and so also adds a bit of edginess to the overall poster.  And actually another cool thing that i found on the moth was that when zoomed in on the image there is actually a women shown on the moth, this is very cool it can be seen as a hint at who are the victims of the movie and who is in danger.

The title of the film is something that i really liked. The title isn't flashy or even that big, the title on the poster is fairly small. I liked this feature because it makes it seem more creepy and more hollow because the it doesn't draw the audiences attention its just kind of there laying in the back ground which adds to the creepiness.

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