Monday, 16 October 2017

Organisation: Costumes/props

In this post i will take a look into costumes that some of my characters could wear. For this post i will take a look into how i want my main antagonists to look.

For my trailer i want my antagonists to have a distinctive and creepy look and feel to them. A look that really sets them apart from anything else so that when they appear on screen. I want to be able to create something iconic. A look that as soon as they appear on screen they are immedialty recognisable and are feared. To go with the theme, genre and name of the film i want the antagonists to be dressed quite dark so that it goes with them working in the shadows almost as if they can hide in the shadows and not be seen. I want my antagonists to be masked and this is for very simple reasons, my first reason is that i think its quite effective as you can't see their identity so you never know who or what is behind it so it could literally be anyone. A second reason is that by having them masked the audience can't create a connection with them. I believe this all adds up to create further mystery and suspense around the antagonists.

My first idea was to have my antagonists masked behind the now famous 'guy Fawkes' mask. I really did like this idea at first but i changed my mind quite recently and decided that to chose this item of masking would not be the best idea. My reasoning for liking this idea was just down to its simple design that i thought made it more creepy.However i decided against this idea as i thought that maybe this wasn't an original chose as this type of mask is commonly used for stuff like this and as well as this i thought that maybe it would be too recognisable and too mainstream, furthermore i just thought that maybe the design was too simple and so i have chosen against it however i have decided to include this idea on the post because of course my mind could change.

My second idea for what type of masks my antagonists could wear is a type of masquerade mask. I wanted to use to different designs if i were to use this mask design. My main mask design would be what all of the cult wear as their distinctive look and my second mask would be a special designed mask that only the ring leader would wear to set him/her apart from everyone and everything else.

My first masquerade mask is something i was really drawn to when i first found them. i like the design and colour of it all because its something that doesn't immedialty look creepy but to me thats what makes it creepy and i really like the simple and dark smile the mask has on it. Furthermore i feel by using this type of mask i would almost instantly set my antagonists apart and given them a truly distinctive, mysterious and creepy look. What draws me towards this type of mask is that its not really been seen any where so it would give my trailer a look of its own. I also like how its almost designed too not be creepy but it is and i truly believe that if a figure was coming towards you or me with this mask i would be creeped out and worried.

The second mask design that i would chose to use is for the ring leader of the antagonist group and because of that i needed to give this figure his own look that would set him apart from all the others giving that person their own look and feel overall. I chose for the design of the plague doctor mask. I really did like this design because it is a design that would almost immedialty creep out and frighten people due to the back story that this mask has with it. Another reason why i chose this mask for the ring leader is because of its connection their the main antagonist groups aim to 'cleanse the world' which fits with this mask being the doctor making a simple and subtle connection between character and plot.

In terms of other clothing for what the antagonists could wear i of course want my antagonists to be in dark clothing to go with the mysterious and creepy vibe that goes along with them. I have two very simple ideas and that is either to dress them in all black suits while i believe this to be the most effective it would be much harder to get everyone who would play these roles to get an entire black suit as its not something that everyone would have, my second idea is alot more simpler and easier and that is to just have the antagonists dressed in a simple black hoodie and black jeans. I like this idea as it goes with the idea that they work In the shadows and they cannot be seen so because of that i like this idea for design and costume for the creativity. 

So to conclude this is my first round up of ideas for costume so because of that these could change or aspects could change but for the most part i am extremely happy with what i have come up with here.

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