Friday, 13 October 2017

Research into potential target audience:feedback for title of the film

Over the week i have been conducting some audience research into what the title of my trailer should be called. Before the target audience gave their answers i gave them a basic insight into the plot of the  trailer and also what genre it would be. I gave them four answer suggestions as well as a other box to see what they thought would be the best option for me to use. To get the best response for this research i conducted the research onto facebook, snapchat and survey monkey. All of these options came back with support. I decided to conduct my research on these areas as these areas would most likely reach the age range that my trailer/film is reaching out to.

Survey monkey response:
I decided to do my research on here as i would be able to not only be able to find out the responses of what people thought but i would also see the results in a table making the results a-lot easier. I got a good amount of responses, enough to make it worth while and also impactful enough.

As you can see from the responses i got from survey monkey i got answers for a variety of the options expect one of them. The clear favourite from the survey monkey was the first option which was 'beneath the shadows' which got 50% of the votes. The second most popular answer i got was for 'the order of salutis' which got 20% of the votes from survey monkey.

Facebook survey:

As you can see from the Facebook survey i also got majority of the support for the first option which was beneath the shadows. As well as this  i got some explanation as to why i should chose 'beneath the shadows'  with the person saying that it adds to the mystery and that it fits perfectly with horror genre. This will help
me when it comes too picking the definitive decision.

Snapchat survey:
From my snapchat survey i got some responses that i had never had before as two of the three decided went for the heart of darkness. This made the overall decision alot harder as now all the options had answers to them.

So to conclude i found this target audience research really helpful in getting a better understanding into what i should call my trailer as it revealed to me best interested my audiences view. From my personal standpoint i really like the idea of choosing 'beneath the shadows' as i felt this best connected with the plot of the trailer and this also seems to be the same with the target audience as most of the target audience voting this way. However this is not my final decision it just means that at this point i am preferring the 'beneath the shadows' and am heavily considering it.

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